Fall Planting Annual Event

This Saturday, the 5th, from 10AM to 5PM we will be holding our annual Fall Planting sale. During this time of the year is when you want to put your plants in the ground that you want to see fully blooming in the spring. It is in this vital “Fall phase” that the plants will spend their time rooting, and when winter comes they will be ready to over-winter without issue. Then, with the arrival of Spring, your plants don’t need to root like other people's will, and instead will start blooming early.

We just got a brand new stock of Mums and Pansies today, and we will be selling these for much lower than big box store prices. Large pot Mums are in “peak” growing stage, meaning that they are almost ready to open up and start blooming. If you get your Mums when they are already in full bloom you will find that once you take them home you might get one full week of color before the plant is finished with it’s bloom phase. With the ones we have now, you will see them start to open up slowly over the next few weeks, changing in color gradually. Then, by the time fall is in full swing and you’re having your parties and setting up fall decorations, you will then see a huge blast of color in your yard or patio area.


Normal price for this size of Mum is around 14$ to even an insane 20$+ at some gardening centers. We will instead be selling ours at 11.50$. We have a limited amount of each color, but we are taking reservations if you call us at 704-223-0007. Colors we have in stock this year are: Padre Orange (great Halloween color), Clarity Yellow, Splotch Yellow (yellow with an orange center), Clarity White, Baby Blue, and new this year is Deep Purple.

Pansies will be sharing the colors selections of the Mums, with maybe a few variations. We made sure to get several of each color in Pansy selection, pictured below.

We also have some fully bloomed Begonias left, as well as some just now flowering Coleus. Both of these you can see here.

We will also have the usual Lavender plant selections in stock as well. Plenty of Grosso, Provence, Alba, Purple Impress, Hidcote, and Hidcote Giant. We also have some sweet potato plants available (the decorative kind, not edible).

During them event, from 10AM to 5PM we will be on site all day, and free Lavender Lemonade will provided to all who attend.

Dorothy Pheonix